
Torrey Pines Investment and Innovestor’s Life Science Fund Launch Polku Therapeutics

Uppdaterad: 17 sep. 2024Publicerad: 17 sep. 2024

Helsinki, Finland, August 29, 2024 — Torrey Pines Investment, a specialty life-science investment company based in San Diego, CA, and Innovestor’s Life Science Fund, a Nordic-focused venture capital fund investing in early-stage biotech and digital health companies, together with Helsinki University Funds, announced the pre-seed funding and launch of Polku Therapeutics Oy. Polku Therapeutics, a Helsinki-based innovative startup, will focus on the development of novel drug treatments for neurodegenerative disorders.

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The experienced team of serial entrepreneurs and specialist investors have partnered with the University of Helsinki, the leading academic institution in Finland, to launch Polku Therapeutics. The biotech company’s technology is based on over a decade of research by Professor Timo Myöhänen and Senior Scientist Erik Wallén at the University of Helsinki to identify a disease-modifying therapy for Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease. 

Polku’s activities will be directed toward rapid identification of potential drug candidates and supported by the cutting-edge computer-aided drug design and the discovery and development expertise of Expert Systems accelerator.

About Torrey Pines Investment

Torrey Pines Investment LLC is a San Diego, CA, venture company. Since 2002 it has been focused on investing in early to development stage breakthrough medicines. Its therapeutic interest spans from oncology, inflammation, virology, cardiovascular and metabolic to neuro and other therapeutic areas. In 2019 Torrey Pines expanded its early asset-based investment program in partnership with major VC funds. It is supported and managed by a global hybrid AI and hub-and-spoke R&D infrastructure-based accelerator Expert Systems. The accelerator rationally creates and maintains nimble companies with breakthrough ab initio program design and rigorously progresses their assets towards development stages, successful partnering, M&A or public financing.

About Innovestor 

Innovestor is a Finnish investment company focusing on venture capital and real estate. The firm currently manages six VC funds with total capital of over €250 million. Consisting of over 100 growth companies across multiple sectors of technology, life science and health, it represents one of the largest private venture-backed portfolios in the Nordics.
Media Contact: Sebastian Soidinsalo, Director of Operations – [email protected]

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