
Celebrating Christmas with pets can be great but beware of the dangers!

Uppdaterad: 12 dec. 2024Publicerad: 11 dec. 2024

Including the family pet in the Christmas celebration can make the holiday even cosier. Almost half of dog owners celebrate the biggest weekend of the year together with their four-legged family member, while almost every fourth cat owner takes the opportunity to pamper the cat. However, Christmas also means a lot of dangers and changes in the home that can affect the pets negatively. 


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 “A well-planned Christmas with the pets in focus paves the way for a peaceful Christmas”, says Bernard O’Sullivan, Country Head at Agria Ireland.

According to a survey* from Agria, focusing on dog and cat owners during the holidays, close to half of dog owners will pamper their dogs this Christmas. For cat owners, the corresponding figure is 36 percent. The younger you are, the more often you spoil them,

“Children love to celebrate everything from stuffed animals to dogs and cats, and this behavior often continues throughout life. Among younger people, the desire to celebrate Christmas with their pet is the greatest”, adds Bernard.

However, the activities of Christmas – such as having many guests over – can leave pets confused and anxious. Changes in the home environment, such as Christmas decorations and new scents as well as candles can stress and in the worst-case harm our pets.

“Some dogs and cats can get stressed, while others are more curious and want to investigate Christmas decorations and wrapping paper. Pets will want to taste Christmas food and sweet treats – it’s important to stay one step ahead and pay attention before the accident happens”.

Prepare your pet for Christmas

To reduce the risk of injury and stress during the Christmas holiday, it’s best to plan and prepare. Here are some tips:

• Try to maintain normal routines with mealtimes and breaks. 


• Create a quiet place in the home where your pet can retreat and feel safe. 

• Offer extra attention and playtime.

• A nice walk with mischief and play reduces the flow of energy before family and friends ring the doorbell


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23 dec. 2024

Keep a watchful eye on your Pet

Christmas ham and frying fat contain a lot of salt and fat, which can cause salt poisoning to pets. Most people know that chocolate contains theobromine and is toxic to dogs, but cats can also be seriously affected. Raisins and grapes also can lead to acute kidney failure.

Cats are sensitive to onions and garlic, which can cause intestinal problems and diarrhea. Even package strings, Christmas decorations and candles are dangers for cats. In addition, some Christmas plants such as poinsettias, mistletoe and lilies can be poisonous to cats and should be kept out of reach. 

Damien Hanley

Marketing Strategy Manager


[email protected]

Agria is one of the world’s leading pet insurers. Agria Petinsure was established in Ireland in 2023 and is now a prominent feature of the Irish pet insurance industry, providing insurance for cats, dogs and horses. Our mission is to provide the best of care for pets and peace of mind for their owners. 

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